Monday, 30 December 2013

Testimoni ClearGuard

Whatsapp dari salah seorang pengguna Nutrilite ClearGuard

Keberkesanan Nutrilite ClearGuard bergantung pada individu. Ada di antara pengguna yang dapat merasakan keberkesanan seawal 2 hari selepas penggunaan dan ada juga mengambil masa beberapa minggu. Insyaallah semoga dipermudahkan segala usaha agar memperolehi kesihatan yang baik.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Nutrilite ClearGuard

Nutrilite ClearGuard
K.K.L.I.U: 1634/2012/I

 - Mengandungi ceri acerola, cinnamon (kayu manis), spanish needles yang boleh membersihkan saluran hidung.

- Ceri acerola mempunyai kandungan vitamin c yang tinggi yang boleh mengurangkan kepekatan histamin. Histamin adalah bahan yang terdapat dalam sel badan yang boleh menyebabkan kesan-kesan alergi seperti bersin, selesema dsb.

- Kayu manis mengandungi sifat-sifat anti-bakteria, anti-septik, anti-viral dan anti-keradangan. Ia adalah ramuan rempah/herba yang selalu digunakan dalam mengubati penyakit-penyakit yang berkaitan dengan saluran pernafasan seperti hidung tersumbat, selesema, sakit tekak dsb.

- Spanish needles mengandungi kesan anti-alergi pada sel yang juga mengurangan kandungan histamin. Ia juga mempunyai sifat-sifat anti-keradangan.

Dos yang disyorkan: 2 biji 3 kali sehari sehingga 12 minggu. Selepas 12 minggu makan bila perlu sahaja
Bergantung pada tahap keperluan individu.

  • Kanak-kanak berumur di bawah 12 tahun, ibu yang menyusukan anak atau individu yang mempunyai masalah kesihatan harus meminta nasihat doktor sebelum menggunakan produk ini.
  • Jangan melebihi dos yang disyorkan.
  • Wanita mengandung harus mengelak daripada mengambil produk ini.

Keputusan Ujian Klinikal

Nutrilite ClearGuard boleh:
1) Membantu mengurangkan kesan-kesan resdung (Sinusitis)

Sinusitis atau resdung adalah keadaan di mana lapisan pada bahagian saluran di belakang tulang pipi, kening dan rangka mulut mengalami keradangan atau pembengkakan. Biasanya ruang sinus berisi udara, tetapi jika ia tersumbat dan berisi mukus atau lendir, maka kuman (bakteria, virus) dapat berkembang dan menyebabkan jangkitan.

Keadaan yang boleh menyebabkan sinus adalah:

          1) Selesema

     2)  Alergi rhinitis (pembengkakan pada lapisan hidung)

     3)  Polip hidung (pertumbuhan kecil di lapisan hidung)

     4)  Septum yang menyimpang (pergeseran di rongga hidung)

Nutrilite Bio C Plus All Day Formula

Nutrilite Bio C Plus All Day Formula

Friday, 27 December 2013

Multilevel Marketing (MLM) Business

Bila kita bercakap tentang perniagaan MLM terutamanya di kalangan umat Islam dan bangsa Melayu, pasti ramai yang tidak berminat, ada juga yang kata haram, skim piramid, orang bawah mengayakan orang atas dan sebagainya. Perniagaan MLM kini tumbuh bagaikan cendawan. Kebanyakan perniagaan yang baru juga mengamalkan konsep MLM. Saya bukanlah seorang yang arif bab-bab agama tapi suka saya merujuk kepada mereka yang lebih arif dalam hal-hal ini.

Suka saya merujuk bab ini melalui blog MLM adalah salah satu konsep perniagaan seperti franchise juga. Ia hanyalah satu konsep.Tapi apa yang salahnya di sini yang membuatkan ramai tidak menggemari perniagaan berkonsepkan MLM adalah apabila ianya diputarbelitkan oleh peniaga-peniaga atau juga pengedar-pengedar dari syarikat tersebut. Disebabkan ingin mengejar kedudukan dan kekayaan dengan cepat, maka mereka ini tanpa rasa segan atau bersalah cuba memerangkap ahli-ahli baru dengan rangka pemasaran (marketing plan) mereka sendiri. Ada juga yang membuat promosi atau iklan secara berlebihan. Segala testimoni dipamerkan untuk menunjukkan keberkesanan produk yang dijual tanpa memberi penerangan secara terperinci. Contoh iklan yang paling saya tidak gemari adalah iklan di mana mereka ini menunjukkan wang hasil pendapatan. Terus terang saya katakan, bagi mereka yang kurang berpengalaman dalam bidang perniagaan dan ingin berniaga dan memperolehi keuntungan dengan cepat pasti akan tertarik dengan keuntungan yang bakal diperolehi dalam sekelip mata. Apatah lagi caranya nampak seakan-akan begitu mudah. Bagi saya, biarlah iklan itu dibuat secara bersederhana sahaja...ada juga yang meletakkan produk 100% efektif...Wow!!! macam bagus kan...tapi ingatlah bahawa tiada yang 100% melainkan dengan Izin Allah....

Saya juga suka berniaga. 5 tahun yang lepas saya menceburi bidang perniagaan franchise. Sambil berniaga saya juga masih bekerja di salah sebuah syarikat yang terkenal sebagai seorang jurutera. Pada mulanya niat saya kalau perniagaan saya maju, saya hendak berhenti bekerja tapi ia tidak seperti yang dirancang. Akan saya kongsikan cerita saya ini dalam post akan datang secara terperinci. Setelah menjual perniagaan tersebut kepada seorang anak muda yang ingin mencuba saya fokus kepada kerjaya sebagai seorang jurutera di sebuah syarikat antarabangsa yang lain. Kemudian, Allah telah mengutuskan seorang rakan saya untuk berkongsi dengan saya tentang perniagaan yang beliau ceburi. Pada mulanya saya kurang berminat disebabkan saya tidak mahu terjebak dalam perniagaan MLM ini. Tapi apa yang membuatkan saya berdaftar menjadi ahli adalah kerana ingin mencuba produknya sahaja dan ingin mendapatkan harga ahli. Bagi saya, kalau produk tersebut tidak berkesan, tidak pula menjadi masalah sebab tahun depan tidak perlulah saya menyambung menjadi ahli semula. Cukuplah hanya setahun. Mendaftar menjadi ahli juga tidaklah begitu mahal kerana dengan wang pendaftaran tersebut saya diberikan sebuah beg berisi katalog dan juga beberapa buku panduan perniagaan. Setiap bulan juga syarikat akan mengepos majalah berkenaan dengan produk atau apa sahaja yang berkaitan. Jika dikira semula ia tidaklah semahal yang disangka.

Setelah mendaftar, pada keesokannya saya terus menuju ke HQ syarikat yang terletak di Petaling Jaya...hmmm...boleh tahan juga HQ...cantik dan besar...tapi itu bukan tujuan utama saya mendaftar. Tujuan utama adalah untuk membeli produk kesihatan untuk anak-anak dan diri sendiri. Bukanlah saya nak kata produk ni adalah produk paling baik tapi selepas 2 minggu saya memberikan pada anak-anak secara konsisten, saya dapat melihat perubahan yang ketara. Dengan izin Allah anak-anak saya dah tak selesema. Saya juga dapat merasakan sedikit perubahan pada diri sendiri di mana saya dah kurang sakit kepala apabila kurang rehat. Hmm...bagus juga produk ni. Terus saya cuba produk-produk lain untuk melihat keberkesanannya. Apabila ada masa yang terluang saya membuat ujikaji/demo sendiri untuk membuat perbandingan dengan produk yang biasa dibeli. Sekali lagi ia menunjukkan keputusan yang positif. Kemudian saya terus membuat bacaan tentang kandungan produk. Alhamdulillah, produk kesihatan yang digunakan disahkan halal malah produk-produk lain juga adalah bagus dan efektif. Ini membuatkan saya tertarik untuk mengenali dengan lebih mendalam lagi tentang hampir semua produk yang dipasarkan oleh syarikat ini. Saya mula membuat perbandingan dari segi harga, keberkesanan dan lain-lain. Ternyata apa yang digembar-gemburkan sebelum ini bahawa barang-barang yang dijual oleh syarikat-syarikat yang berkonsepkan MLM adalah mahal tidak tepat sama sekali. Mungkin ada di antara barangan tersebut apabila dilihat dari segi harga mungkin agak mahal tetapi apabila dibandingkan dari segi kualiti adalah amat berpatutan. Sebagai contoh apabila kita membeli jam tangan G-Shock yang tulen (original) dan yang jual di pasar malam pasti kita dapat membezakan kualiti jam tersebut. Tapi yang tulen berharga lebih 8 kali ganda mahal dari yang dijual di pasar malam. Harga yang berbeza ini adalah disebabkan kualiti dan ketahanan jam tersebut. Sama juga seperti barangan-barangan yang lain. Kita sebagai pengguna perlu bijak membuat perbandingan apabila membeli barang. Janganlah disebabkan harga yang murah kita terus membeli. Kita seharusnya menyelidik terlebih dahulu apa yang menyebabkan harganya terlalu murah. Kalau makanan mungkin tarikh luputnya sudah hampir, kalau barangan mungkin ada cacat cela yang kita tidak perasan. Kalau yang mahal pula jangan kita sangka barangnya betul-betul berkualiti. Takut kadang-kadang ada yang mengambil kesempatan untuk mendapatkan untung berlipat kali ganda. Jadi berfikir sebelum bertindak dan hanya membeli apabila kita berpuas hati.

Berbalik kepada perkongsian tentang MLM. Nama Amway mungkin tidak asing bagi mereka yang biasa dengan perniagaan MLM. Amway Malaysia adalah salah sebuah Syarikat Jualan Langsung (Direct Selling) yang telah lama bertapak di Malaysia sejak tahun 1976 dan ia juga adalah merupakan Syarikat Jualan Langsung yang pertama yang disenaraikan di Papan Utama Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 1996. Pada tahun 2010 pula, syarikat ini juga merupakan syarikat yang pertama yang telah dianugerahkan lesen jualan langsung yang pertama di Malaysia selama 10 tahun bermula pada tahun 2010. Kebanyakan syarikat-syarikat jualan langsung yang lain diberikan lesen selama 5 tahun. Sila rujuk di laman web KPDNKK sebagai bukti. Bukan sahaja di Malaysia, tetapi Amway telah bertapak di lebih daripada 60 buah negara di seluruh dunia. Kedudukannya di pasaran antarabangsa jika dibandingkan dengan syarikat-syarikat jualan langsung yang lain cukup membanggakan. Sila rujuk laman web Direct Selling News. Jika kita lihat dari segi pencapaian Amway, ia menunjukkan syarikat ini adalah salah sebuah syarikat yang kukuh. Tidak banyak syarikat yang mampu bertahan selama Amway.

Sebagai umat Islam kita seharusnya menitik beratkan soal syariah dalam menjalankan bidang perniagaan mahupun pelaburan. Ini yang menjadi isu hangat di kalangan bangsa Melayu dan umat Islam Malaysia apabila disebutkan tentang MLM. Seperti yang disebutkan melalui blog Encik Najahudin, MLM mesti menepati syariah. Rekabentuk asal MLM yang pada asalnya menepati syariah seringkali dilencongkan oleh pengedar-pengedar menjadikannya sebagai suatu yang tidak dibenarkan dalam Islam atau boleh menjadi haram. Hakikat yang perlu diakui, MLM adalah instrumen pemasaran yang baik untuk mengedar sesuatu produk atau perkhidmatan. Ini berlaku apabila pengedar yang dilantik oleh syarikat akan membentuk rangkaian pengedar lain di bawahnya. Seterusnya mereka akan mendapat bonus, komisyen atau insentif hasil daripada jualan peribadi dan rangkaian masing-masing. Jadi sekiranya kita menjadi pengedar dan kita ikut rangkaian pemasaran asal yang patuh syariah ia tidak akan menjadi masalah. Mari kita lihat secara terperinci apakah jenis pemasaran yang bertepatan dengan syariah.

(i) Profil syarikat MLM hendaklah bersih daripada terlibat atau mempunyai saham dalam industri yang diharamkan.
 - Seperti yang disebutkan di atas tadi, Amway Holdings telah disenaraikan di Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur. Saham yang diniagakan adalah patuh syariah. Sila rujuk kepada Senarai Sekuriti Patuh Syariah oleh Majlis Penasihat Syariah Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia. Jadi ia menepati syariah.

  (ii) Perniagaan MLM hendaklah berasaskan kontrak muamalat Islam seperti jual beli produk atau perkhidmatan dan bukannya berbentuk skim piramid, skim cepat kaya atau money games.
- Perniagaan Amway adalah berasaskan jual beli produk dan perkhidmatan dan ia bukan berbentuk skim piramid, skim cepat kaya atau money games. Amway memasarkan beratus-ratus jenis produk untuk dijual oleh pengedar. Pengedar memperolehi keuntungan dari hasil jualan produk dan juga bonus pencapaian seperti yang telah ditetapkan oleh syarikat. Ada yang kata orang bawah kerja orang atas dapat untung. Sekiranya anda betul-betul faham konsep pemberian bonus dari Amway kepada setiap pengedar, ia tidaklah seperti yang disangka. Terus terang saya katakan bahawa saya tidak akan mendapat apa-apa bonus sekiranya saya tidak berusaha atau tidak melakukan sebarang pembelian atau jualan atau membina rangkaian perniagaan dengan rakan-rakan niaga yang lain. Contohnya jika saya berjaya mendapatkan seorang rakan sebagai rakan niaga saya di bawah kendalian saya tetapi saya tidak berbuat apa-apa. Sebaliknya rakan saya ini berusaha dengan rajin untuk meningkatkan jualan dan membentuk rangkaiannya sendiri. Bonus yang diperolehi oleh rakan saya ini tidak akan saya terima melainkan saya juga turut serta berusaha membina rangkaian yang lebih ramai. Di bawah saya tunjukkan contoh pendapatan bonus. Jumlah PV (Point Value) dan Ringgit Malaysia (RM) yang diperolehi dari belian produk adalah anggaran sahaja. Setiap produk mempunyai nilai PV vs RM yang berbeza.
Sekiranya anda lihat betul-betul cara pengiraan bonus dan pada bahagian jumlah pendapatan, pendapatan yang anda terima akan ditolak dengan pendapatan yang diperolehi oleh rakan niaga anda yang lain.

(iii) Produk atau perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan adalah halal, bermanfaat dan sah di sisi syariah serta undang-undang negara.
-Produk-produk Amway yang dipasarkan adalah halal. Nutrilite salah satu produk kesihatan yang dipasarkan telah mendapat sijil halal dari IFANCA (Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America) dan IFANCA juga telah diiktiraf oleh JAKIM. Anda boleh rujuk laman web IFANCA dan juga JAKIM untuk pengesahan. Kebanyakan produk Amway yang perlu diambil secara oral atau dipakai di badan adalah dari sumber semulajadi seperti tumbuh-tumbuhan. Oleh itu, Insyaallah ia dijamin halal. Tiada penggunaan bahan dari sumber tidak halal seperti khinzir dalam penghasilan produk pemakanan.

(iv) Upah untuk pengedar yang mencari ahli dan downline baru adalah daripada peruntukan syarikat atau suatu dana khas dan bukannya daripada yuran penyertaan mereka.

- Tiada sebarang keuntungan diperolehi oleh pengedar hasil dari mencari ahli atau downline atau rakan niaga lain dalam Amway. Yuran pendaftaran adalah semata-mata sebagai bayaran kepada kit perniagaan yang merupakan sebuah beg berisi katalog-katalog produk, panduan perniagaan, beberapa bahan bacaan dan CD serta majalah yang akan dipos ke rumah pada setiap bulan.

(v) Harga jualan produk tidak terlalu mahal dan melampau hingga melebihi dua kali ganda nilai berbanding dengan harga pasaran.
-  Ini yang orang selalu cakap. Harga barangan produk MLM mahal. Kat bawah ni saya tunjuk beberapa contoh barangan Amway jika dibandingkan dengan dibeli di pasaraya lain.

Di bawah disertakan 1 lagi produk yang sama dan jenama yang sama.

Kalau dilihat jam yang sama jenama dijual di kedai adalah lebih mahal dari yang dijual di Amway. Harga yang dipaparkan di laman web Amway juga adalah pada harga jualan dan bukan harga ahli. Harga yang dibeli oleh ahli adalah 20% - 25% lebih murah. Jadi, yang mana lebih murah sebenarnya. Adakah ia mahal? Yang mana produk yang mahal yang dijual di Amway sudah pastinya produk yang berkualiti kerana Amway sentiasa memastikan produk-produknya mempunyai kualiti yang tinggi dan disertakan pengesahan dan pensijilan daripada badan-badan antarabangsa yang berwajib. Sekiranya seseorang itu terasa mahal, tidak perlulah dia membeli produk tersebut. Beli sahaja di kedai luar. Lepas tu tengok dan rasai kualitinya.

(vi) Keuntungan, komisyen atau bonus yang diperolehi hendaklah jelas ditetapkan serta daripada hasil jualan peribadi, jualan kumpulan atau bimbingan kepada downline dan bukannya daripada bayaran yuran pendaftaran atau tajaan ahli baru.
- Dalam rangka pemasaran Amway keuntungan atau bonus diperolehi adalah daripada hasil jualan peribadi, jualan kumpulan dan bimbingan kepada rakan niaga atau downline dan bukannya daripada bayaran yuran pendaftaran atau tajaan ahli baru. 

(vii) Keuntungan dan komisyen yang diperolehi oleh upline adalah daripada downline yang dibantunya sahaja dan tidak terlalu jauh jarak antara kedua-duanya.
- Ini telah ditunjukkan dalam gambar seperti pada kenyataan (ii) di atas. Keuntungan yang diperolehi oleh upline daripada downline yang dilatih dan dibantu olehnya sahaja.

(viii) Upline dan downline mempunyai hak yang sama untuk mendapat keuntungan yang lebih tinggi antara satu sama lain berdasarkan jualan yang dilakukan dan bukannya atas faktor siapa yang masuk dahulu sentiasa akan untung lebih tinggi.
-Seperti yang telah dijelaskan dalam kenyataan (ii), sekiranya downline lebih rajin dia akan mendapatkan keuntungan yang lebih dari hasil jualan.

(ix) Upline hendaklah mengadakan pertemuan, latihan, teknik pemasaran motivasi dan bantuan kepada downline untuk melayakkannya menerima komisyen jualan orang bawahannya.
- Dalam Amway atau mungkin beberapa syarikat MLM yang lain, beberapa jenis kursus dan latihan disediakan. Ada di antara kursus dan latihan yang perlu dibayar dan ada yang dilakukan secara percuma. Ia bergantung kepada jenis latihan yang diadakan. Banyak teknik-teknik pemasaran terkini yang boleh menjadikan sesuatu perniagaan itu lebih mudah dijalankan. Ada juga di antara upline atau ketua yang mengambil inisiatif sendiri untuk memberi bantuan kepada rakan niaga atau downline yang lain secara percuma. Tapi harus diingatkan kepada semua pengedar bahawa latihan atau teknik haruslah selari dengan syariah dan menepati syarak dan hukum. Ia juga perlu dilakukan secara beretika.

(x) Syarikat MLM hendaklah melantik Panel Penasihat Syariah dalam organisasi mereka untuk mencadang kelulusan dan memantau setiap produk dan pelan pemasaran supaya selari dengan muamalat Islam.
 - Seperti dalam kenyataan (i) urusniaga Amway telah dipantau oleh Majlis Penasihat Syariah Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia. Oleh itu, segala bentuk urusniaga akan dipastikan agar mengikut kehendak syariah.

Kesimpulan yang boleh saya buat di sini adalah sekiranya pengedar-pengedar menjalankan perniagaan MLM secara beretika dan mengikut syariah ia tidaklah menjadi satu kesalahan. Perniagaan apa pun jika tidak dijalankan secara beretika walaupun hanya menjual pisang goreng tetapi diletakkan ramuan-ramuan yang puncanya tidak halal, jadilah ia tidak mengikuti syariah dan syarak. Jadi pilihlah perniagaan yang bersesuaian dengan diri anda dan fokuslah pada perniagaan tersebut. Insyaallah, jika Allah telah menetapkan itu adalah rezeki kita, ia tidak akan ke mana. Yang penting setiap perkara yang dilakukan adalah kerana Allah.

Walaupun saya sudah tahu tentang perniagaan MLM ni bertahun lamanya tapi saya tidak pernah hendak mengkaji dengan lebih mendalam disebabkan kurang berminat untuk mencari rakan niaga. Tetapi apabila Allah menemukan saya dengan rakan ini, mungkin ini adalah salah satu jalan yang Allah tunjukkan kepada saya untuk mendapatkan rezeki tambahan. Apabila kita lakukan semuanya kerana Allah dan lakukan ia secara Istiqamah, secara beretika dan mengikut syarak, Insyaallah semuanya akan dipermudahkan. Tidak perlulah saya katakan berapa yang diperolehi kerana bagi saya walaupun kecil pendapatan yang diperolehi ia tetap rezeki yang halal. Setiap usaha kita akan dibayar kelak. Yang saya tahu saya tidak perlu mengeluarkan modal yang besar dan tidak perlu untuk takut akan risiko yang bakal dihadapi seperti suatu ketika dahulu semasa saya berniaga melalui konsep franchise. Cukuplah dengan pengalaman yang pernah dilalui. Alhamdulillah, sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit. Melalui perniagaan ini juga ia menjadikan saya seorang yang lebih bersabar, berfikiran positif, dan bersyukur. Saya juga dapat mengenali lebih ramai rakan lain dan terus membantu mereka yang memerlukan tanpa mengira penat lelah. Ada di antara kita yang perlu berusaha lebih ada yang tidak. Semua ni sudah ditentukan oleh Allah.

Oh lupa. Ada juga yang mengatakan perlu masuk kumpulan yang betul. Hmm...saya tidak nafikan perkara ini. Tetapi jika anda merupakan seorang yang berfikiran ke hadapan, mempunyai pengalaman dalam bidang perniagaan, tidak perlu tunjuk ajar yang komprehensif, sentiasa mengkaji dengan sendiri (self learner), bermotivasi (self motivator), mempunyai daya pemikiran kreatif dan inovatif, mungkin dalam mana-mana kumpulan pun anda boleh menjadi seorang yang berjaya. Mereka yang tidak mempunyai pengalaman, yang memerlukan tunjuk ajar dan sokongan, yang memerlukan mentor, perlu berada dalam kumpulan yang betul. Mungkin disebabkan ini, ramai yang menyertai MLM sangkut di tengah jalan. Bekerja dalam kumpulan juga adalah sesuatu yang lebih baik. Bak kata omputeh 'two heads is better than one'...kerja akan menjadi lebih mudah apabila dilakukan secara berkumpulan, banyak perkongsian boleh dilakukan dan saling bantu membantu apabila salah seorang memerlukan bantuan. Disebabkan itu ikatan persaudaraan akan menjadi lebih kuat dan kita mempunyai seseorang yang boleh menyokong kita apabila kita lemah. Tak kira lah MLM apa pun yang anda hendak ceburi, apa yang penting kita haruslah memilih dan menjalankan perniagaan mengikut garis-garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan. Jadi buatlah pilihan yang betul. Bagi saya sekiranya anda ingin betul-betul berniaga pilihlah syarikat yang mempunyai produk yang berkualiti dan produk yang variasi dan mudah dijual dan juga untuk kegunaan sendiri. Bagi sesiapa yang ingin mencuba untuk berniaga atau hendak menjadi ahli sahaja bolehlah hubungi saya.

Friday, 27 September 2013


Most of us basically know that we need Vitamin C in our diet. Let us see what the benefits of Vitamin C are:

  • Scientifically controlled studies show that using vitamin C for colds can reduce the severity of cold symptoms, acting as a natural antihistamine. 
    • The vitamin may be useful for allergy control for the same reason: It may reduce histamine levels. By giving the immune system one of the important nutrients it needs, extra vitamin C can often shorten the duration of the cold as well.
  •  As an important factor in collagen production
    • Vitamin C is useful in wound healing of all types. From cuts and broken bones to burns and recovery from surgical wounds, vitamin C taken orally helps wounds to heal faster and better. Applied topically, vitamin C may protect the skin from free radical damage after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays.   
  • Vitamin C makes the headlines when it comes to cancer prevention. 
    • Its antioxidant properties protect cells and their DNA from damage and mutation. It supports the body's immune system, the first line of defense against cancer, and prevents certain cancer-causing compounds from forming in the body. Vitamin C reduces the risk of getting almost all types of cancer. It appears that this nutrient doesn't directly attack cancer that has already occurred, but it helps keep the immune system nourished, enabling it to battle the cancer.
  • As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps to prevent cataracts.
    • The clouding of the lens of the eye that can lead to blindness in older adults. The lens needs a lot of vitamin C to counteract all the free radicals that form as a result of sunlight on the eye. Vitamin C is concentrated in the lens. When there's plenty of this vitamin floating through your system, it's easy for the body to pull it out of your blood and put it into the lens, protecting it from damage. It's possible that 1,000 mg per day of vitamin C might stop cataracts in their tracks and possibly improve vision.
  • Reduce athma. Asthmatics tend to have higher needs for vitamin C because of its antioxidant function in the lungs and airways. Doses of 1,000 to 2,000 mg per day improve asthmatic symptoms and lessen the body's production of histamine, which contributes to inflammation.
  • People with diabetes can benefit from extra vitamin C, too. This nutrient can help regulate blood sugar levels.
    • Since insulin helps vitamin C, as well as glucose, get into cells, people with diabetes may not have enough vitamin C inside many of their cells. Just like glucose, vitamin C can't do its work if it's not inside of a cell. Supplementing vitamin C can force it into body cells, where it can protect against the many complications of diabetes.A dose of 1,000 to 3,000 mg per day drives down glycosylated hemoglobin levels. This means that glucose molecules don't attach to blood cells. Glucose adhering to red blood cells is responsible for many diabetic complications such as poor wound healing, problems with capillaries, and sluggish circulation.
  • As with the other antioxidants, vitamin C helps to prevent heart disease by preventing free radicals from damaging artery walls, which could lead to plaque formation. 
    • This nutrient also keeps cholesterol in the bloodstream from oxidizing, another early step in the progression towards heart disease and stroke. Vitamin C may help people who have marginal vitamin C status to obtain favorable blood cholesterol levels. High blood pressure may also improve in the presence of this wonder vitamin. All these factors combined make vitamin C an inexpensive and easy way to lower one's risk of heart disease and strokes.

These are just some of the conditions in which vitamin C has provided significant results. There are many other health conditions in which vitamin C plays a role and has been helpful. For instance, treating preeclampsia in pregnant women, increasing sperm counts especially in smokers, and treating Parkinson's disease, autoimmune disorders, andperiodontal disesase.

Now, let us look at how many of us took Vitamin C supplements? Do you look at the label of the ingredients or contents? If you take a look at a variety of vitamin C supplements, you will find that majority of them contain only ascorbic acid or a compound called ascorbate, which is a less acidic form of ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is NOT vitamin C. It represents the outer ring that serves as a protective shell for the entire vitamin C complex, much like an orange peel that serves as a protective shell for an orange. Real Vitamin C found in whole foods like fruits and vegetables contain the following components:

  • Rutin
  • Bioflavonoids (vitamin P)
  • Factor K
  • Factor J
  • Factor P
  • Tyrosinase
  • Ascorbinogen
  • Ascorbic Acid

When you take only ascorbic acid found in your synthetic vitamin C tablet or powder, your body must gather all of the other components of the full vitamin C complex from your body’s tissues in order to make use of it. In the event that your body does not have adequate reserves of the other components, ascorbic acid itself does not provide any of the health benefits that the full vitamin C complex does. After circulating through your system, the unused ascorbic acid is eliminated through your urine.

Just like vitamin C, almost all other vitamins that we know of offer their full health benefits when they are in the presence of a number of enzymes, co-enzymes, co-factors, and even minerals. The mineral copper is needed for full vitamin C activity to provide its health promoting, anti-oxidative effect. Clearly, it is best to get your vitamins from whole foods because whole foods provide complete vitamins rather than fractions of them. In many cases, whole foods also provide the minerals that are necessary for optimal vitamin activity.

If the list of ingredients includes a vitamin like "Vitamin C” rather than an actual food that contains natural vitamin C like “acerola cherry concentrate”, you can bet that it does not contain the Real Vitamin C.

If you choose to use nutritional supplements, it is in your best interest to use only those products that list actual foods as their ingredients rather than synthetic and isolated vitamins. While some synthetic and isolated vitamins have been shown to provide minimal health benefits, on the whole, most of them cause more harm than good and you are far better off spending your money on whole foods.

Below is some example of  Vitamin C ingredients from different brands.

Make the right choie of supplement if you decide to have it to supple your nutritions. The best is to take lots of fruits and vegetables. If you don't and you think that you might not get enough Vitamin C, then get yourself the correct Vitamin C.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013



Many of us I guess, have heard about Omega-3. Do you really know what is Omega-3? Some of formula milk have this added. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered as essential fatty acids. They refer to a group of three fats called ALA (alpha-Linolenic Acid), EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid).

ALA is an organic compound found in seeds e.g chia, flaxseed, nuts (notably walnuts) and many common vegetable oils like canola oil, olive oil, soybean oil etc.

EPA and DHA commonly found in marine oils which includes fish oils, algal oil, egg oil, squid oils, krill oils etc. In addition, DHA is known to be a primary structural component of the human brain, cerebral cortex, skin, sperm, testicles and retina.

Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for normal metabolism. However, these essential fatty acids cannot be synthesized by the human body. Thus, we need to get it directly from maternal milk or fish oil. Fish high in DHA and EPA includes:

  • Sardines (1,950 mg of omega-3 per 3 oz serving)
  • Salmon (1,060 mg of omega-3 per 3 oz serving)
  • Tuna (900 mg of omega-3 per 3 oz serving)
  • Rainbow/lake trout (630 mg of omega-3 per 3 oz serving)

The above fishes are those high in omega-3. There are others like mackerel, anchovies, bluefish, herring which containes omega-3 as well. But bare in mind some of the fishes are more likely to have high levels of mercury, PCBs or other toxins like mackerel, tilefish, wild swordfish and shark.

Is Omega-3 important to our diet and what does it benefits? Omege-3 is very beneficial. Some of the benefits:
  • Lower the elevated triglyceride levels. Triglyceride are a type of fat found in your blood. Your body uses them for energy. Some triglycerides are needed for good health but having high level of this blood fat is a risk factor for heart disease. 
  • Reduced stiffness and joint pain for those suffered arthritis. Omega-3 have an anti-inflammatory propoperties. 
  • Reduces inflammation of asthma patient. People who experience asthma usually experience inflammation of the airway called bronchoconstriction.
  • Improve artery health by helping to reduce plaque buildup and blood clots in the arteris to the brain.
  • Improve bone health by positively impacting the body's calcium levels, reducing the incidence of bone loss.
  • Improve mental health by helping to insulate nerve cells in the brain, allowing these nerve cells to better communicate with one another. It helps people who suffered depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders and ADHD.
If you hardly get these as some people that I know does not fancy eating fish, you may want to get supplements. Experts usually recommends 1,000 mg of DHA and EPA combined from fish oil for those with heart disease. There is no official RDA.

There are lots of brands that you can choose. However, my advice is to look at the ingredients at the labels. 

1) Choose those which is valuable for your money. Calculate base on price per capsule and the contents of the omega-3 in each softgel/capsuls or per serving.
2) Having sufficient amount of Omega-3 and an anti-oxidant. Why anti-oxidant? Do you know that fish oil can get rancid (spoil)? There are some discussion on the rancidity of fish oil. However, I prefer to take safer precaution. Rancidity is due to oxidation of the fish oil. Therefore, having an anti-oxidant added in omega-3 will avoid the fish oil to turn rancid. Substance such as Vitamin C or E (in the form of d-alpha tocopherol) is an anti-oxidant.
3) If possible, get to know from which fish is the omega-3 derived from.

Some of the omega-3 brands ingredients. 

From the above, you can see the difference of the contents. Therefore, be a bright consumer. I notice there are some advertisement which did mention on taking the omega-3 supplements will make your child brighter. Hello...understand the function of the omega-3 which actually insulate the nerve cells in the brain and also DHA as the primary structural component of the brain. Please don't mislead people. Get the facts right!!!! It doens't mean that taking these omega-3 supplements will makes you or your child becomes brighter, intelligent etc. Those people who consumes omega-3 from other sources will get the same benefit as well.
I do take omega-3 supplement since I rarely eat fish. I chose the one which is valuable for money with sufficient omega-3 contents and also with added anti-oxidant. Which brand? I can let you know personally.


After almost a year waiting, here we come Hanoi!!!Mcm trip Cik Kiah...12 pax semuanya includinghe kids. Although dah booking dekat sethn, tapi last minute planning gak dibuat...we booked AirAsia Flight to usual booking is made during promotional period..our flight will depart from LCCT, KL at 6.30 a.m and  ETA Noi Bai Airport at 8.50 a.m (Vietnam Time)...the time differrence between Vietnam dengan Malaysia is approximately 1 hr. So kalau kt M'sia pukul 6.00 a.m...Vietnam pukul 5.00 total hours in flight approximately 4 hrs...
Initially, thought of getting ground arrangement made by my aunty's friend...tapi quote macam terlebih decided to gamble without getting agency services from start to browse tempat2 yang menarik...tempat2 sejarah macam monumen ke muzium ke memang reject le...not the list is Halong Bay, Thang Long Water Puppet (nearby Hoan Kiem Lake), Old Quarters (tempat shopping), Van Phuc Silk Village, Bat Trang Ceramic Village..
Ok, hotel plak..memule plan nk stay kt Sunway Hanoi Hotel cos my dad got this Sunway Vacation membership card...thought of using the points for a room and the rest book mcm biasa....suddenly penuh la browse la plak hotel2 yg murah...I decided to choose a hotel which is near to town, so senang nnt nk shopping x payah jalan jauh, then dekat dengan restoran halal...senang nk cr suitable with our budget. I browse through and there's a few selection...among the list Hanoi Holiday Diamond Hotel, Aquarius Legend Hotel etc...memule nk book Holiday Diamond tp family room dh fully finally we selected Aquarius Legend Hotel... ...nk book pun tgk dulu rate paling murah; hotel rate ke, asiarooms ke (, hotel travel (, agoda (, asia travel (, n byk lg website for hotel booking...we found out that for this hotel, agoda offered paling murah...but then decided to book directly via hotel online reservation...reason being price different hotel dgn agoda x byk beza after convert dlm RM20 for all 3 nights if booking directly dgn hotel dpt free airport if kite nk book trip package ade further 10% grab je le sbb mls nk carik teksi nnt sampai n nk godek2 address hotel sume...
Malaysian tak perlukan visa untuk ke Vietnam for less than 30 days x yah susah2 nk gi buat tukar currency...someone advice us tu change our MYR to USD instead  VND...we decided to change half USD n half VND..x sume money changer ade VND...hubby check out at a few money changer around Puchong n Shah sis pun same..finally we found out that money changer kt AEON Puchong Utama has better USD rate n my sis got better VND rate at her housing area somewhere she changed for us VND and we changed USD...

1st day Journey

Flight pukul 6.30 a.m...check in harus 4.30 a.m...ok buat web-check in dulu n print boarding pass..senang nnt drop bag je kt check-in counter...myself dh jd mcm travel agent...buat arrangement n plan where to go....the others ikut je...lewat2 pukul 3.50 a.m kene depart from home...kesian the kids kene kejut pagi2 buta...tukar baju terus masuk kete...beg sume sudah diload kn ke dlm to LCCT, KLIA...were sent to airport by sis in law and hubby, my sisters' fiance and hubby...thanks to all....2 kereta plus 1 van......sampai airport check-in...then we got to know flight delay due to heavy masing2 ade solat subuh kt dlm waiting area n dlm flight je....dlm waiting area x de surau so pandai2 la cr tpt nk solat...nk solat kt terminal b4 masuk waiting area takut x sempat plak...elok2 plan nk solat dlm flight...flight delay nk suggest la kt pihak yg berwajib utk prepare ruang solat in every terminal/waiting area...dlm flight dh pre-booked meals...air mcm biase dlm air asia kene beli le kalau nk additional air...dieorg bg free spritzer mineral water dlm 100 ml je...the kids tdo je sampai ade yg x jamah meal pun...ngantuk sgt...

Next sampai Noi Bai Airport...went to the immigration counter....the screening process mcm simple je..x de amik gamba ke ape...then, claim baggage; n Airasia has disappointed baggage pecah...nasib baik bag sayang giler beg tu...not only sis yg br beli pun same...kalau la aku booking tiket dgn citibank airasia hr tuh...bleh claim damage bag..mende dh nk jd...nk buat cane...mmg staff airasia main campak je bag...nk tu la kalau jd mende ni kt dieorg mesti perasaan dieorg mcm kiteorg jugak....manusia mcm2 sikap...kuar je towards arrival hall dh ade driver tgh tunggu holding name hubby on a piece of paper...dijemput dgn 16 seater vehicle aka transit van..we were then brought to the hotel...on our way to hotel dpt la snap few pics...yg paling menarik; rumah2 dieorg ni tinggi dn kurus...kakaka...mcm aku n family...then we cross Mekong River...straight to the city n sampai hotel....

Here's the hotel lobby...x besar mane pun...but we were welcome by the manager on duty who is such a nice person....supposedly check-in pukul 1.00 p.m but we arrived early around 11.00 a.m...thought that we can only drop our baggage and to our surprise our rooms are ready and we can check-in immediately...huh what a relief..mmg nk sgt baring kt katil kejap after almost 7 hrs journey since we depart from home about 3.50 a.m....huhu...x baya pun duit hotel lg...mase buat online reservation hr tu baya 8% je deposit....masing2 naik berehat2 and mandi manda dulu...the guys need to prepare themselves for Friday before naik sempat la bertanye the nearest Mosque and how to get there...they gave us a map and show us the way on the map....huhu...selalunye aku la GPS bergerak to my kali ni the guys need to find their own way ya...bile GPS hilang jd x tentu arah le plak...hubby balik baju basah dgn peluh...katenye berjalan x igt jauh giler balik jumpe shorter way...pegi about 30 min berjln balik plak dlm 20 min.....the Mosque; Masjid A-Nour is situated at 12, Hang Luoc Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi...

For lunch we only had our Maggi brought from M'sia...hahah...we were told that makanan halal mahal kt we prepared for that...bukan tu je segala periuk nasi, kuali and electric cooker kiterog bwk, thanks to my sis in law yg meminjamkan alatan2 tersebut kepada kami...almaklumla group ramai org so sumbat2 la mane2 beg yg kosong...about hotel rooms; nice and comfy...quite a big room..myself booked a family room which consist of 2 queen sized bed...the other 2 rooms are triple rooms which consist of 1 queen size and 1 super single sized bed...price for the rooms are not that room kalau convert dlm RM140 per night..the triple room dlm RM120 per night...they are also equipped with PC and which is connected to the internet, ade u can browse the addition they also have the massage chair....Wah!!! I really need it...mesti byk berjln need a massage so wifi pun ade...hmm...convenient to me. Toilet ade small bath tub...ok la tu sbb the kids x dpt swimming pool pun bath tub pun dh bleh ....all the drinks provided are free except for those in the fridge e.g coke...

1st day dlm own made itinerary is we plan to walk around Old Quarter the hotel receptionist counter the MOD bg map to us showing all the streets around the Old Quarter...the same time we also made a plan with them on our next day trip to Halong Bay...senang je...our target is to walk to Dong Xuan Market approximately 900 m from our hotel...we were made to know that in this market mcm2 on our way to the market we walk through some streets around the Old Quarter...the 1st street we walk along is the street where our hotel is located; the Nguyen Huu Huan...nothing much here..all the shop we turn into Hang Bac Street...this street is known to be having shops that sell silvers...ya true...mmg byk kedai2 jual brg2 we turn into Hang Dao-Hang Ngang-Dong Xuan-Hang Giay. This is where the Dong Xuan Market is located but still further down the road...along this long stretch road, byk sgt kedai mostly jual baju, kasut, stationeries pun ade...we entered into few shops, what I like most is the shop which sells baju kanak2 with brand names like Burberry, Armani etc...cantik2....n price are not that bad...planning to get it baju2 die byk utk kanak2 4 thn ke bwh je rasenye...sbb byk baju size family manage to grab few clothes from some of the outlets...
Finally, we reached Dong Xuan Market. Wah!!!Byknye shoplot, it is a 3 storey building...jom masuk dlm...mmg mcm2 sempitnye...I brought the kid stroller along sbb dh name berjln...yg kecik tu confirm nk dukung so nk elak dr berdukung bwk le stroller...but when u get in inside this advice is not to bring the stroller...x de ruang...susah btol nk between an outlet with another hanya seorg je bleh lalu...hmmm...let me describe things that are sold in this market...the building basically is divided into 2 sections...we enter the market from Hang Dao-Hang Ngang-Dong Xuan-Hang Giay Street...this is 1 side of the 1st level, there were shops yg jual topi, beg, kasut, magnets, kipas tangan, payung...kire mcm2 la mende selain kain the other side of the building ade jual brg2 dapur mcm kacang, rempah ratus, beras...kire mcm brg pasar le...but we did not go to the other side....
Next at 2nd level...this level jual segala jenis kain ela/fabrik...u can find silk, cotton, velvet, lycra etc...yg nk buat langsir pun ade...rambang mata ooo...from 1st level to 2nd level ade escalator kt centre court area...same goes to the other side of the building, they sell all types of fabrics..
Finally at 3rd level where all those ready made clothes were sold...byknye baju yg mana berminat nk beli baju borong2 beli la kt sini...ok dh visit all the 3 levels, we decided to go down to 1st level and ask the kids to stay there with my sisters n hubby...myself naik
balik utk shopping kain cotton for the family members...x bleh nk bwk budak2...mmg susah sbb kiddos can't stay long..they will get bored...kt 1st level ade 1 shop yg jual air botol, at least they can stay there for a while to have a drink sambil tunggu ibu bershopping...hehehe...we grab few things from Dong Xuan Market; kain cotton, key chains, fridge magnets, clothes, backpacks..ckp pasal beg, kt sini byk jual brand north face, tp yg ciplak le...mcm biasa we were advice to bargain bile membeli...yes mmg kiteorg bargain's all trial and the 1st shop we ask how much and they tell us the price, we tried to bargain half of the price first and then started to increase bit by bit to see how much can we actually kalau at 1 point tu dieorg dh x bg mmg maknenye dh x leh bargain laa...hahaha...there are also few shops yg mmg price dh fixed along the road td...x leh bargain not at Dong Xuan Market...mostly u can the cotton I bought the initial price were 225,000 VND for 4 the final price I got are at 175,000 VND...i guess dh ok kot cos myself jarang la nk beli kain ela ni....bukan nk borong pun...beli utk family je....after dh penat membeli, our next destination is to have early dinner before balik ke hotel...hahaha..oh ya Dong Xuan Market is closed at 6pm...awalkan...but the rest of the shops along the streets some closes as early as 7 pm some sampai 10 pm...

We have our early dinner at this Indian Muslim Tandoor Restaurant which is located at 24, Hang Be Street, the street which is just behind our hotel. The owner is an Indian Muslim. It serves variety of Indian Cuisine like naan, chicken tandoori etc. Haha....nasi putih die dlm 35,000 VND sepinggan...almost to RM5.60...mahal tk mahalnye la kn...portion die boleh la mkn 2 org yg bukan big eater ya...our total order for 12 pax including kids approximately 1.6 Million VND...ha kau...main juta2 mkn....almost equivalenet to RM 260.00 gitu...hmm..ok la lot sbb kiteorg x order byk sgt lauk...cukup2 mkn je...asal kenyang...lg 1 my son order air soda...die igtkn ais krim soda..rupe2nye soda je....x sedap terpakse la ditambah dgn coke buat ade rase skit...this restaurant ade 2 die x besa sgt...kiteorg mkn kt tingkat ats sbb ruang die besa skit yg boleh muat 12 pax....our plan initially was to have our meal kt Nisa Restaurant which is just nearby to our hotel but I was told by the hotel MOD that the restaurant is under renovation...x tau le bile siap...then on our way back to the hotel, singgap le kejap kt kedai ni yg ade jual sis in law pesan ade 1 kopi ni ha...katenye sedap...I'm not a coffee lover so x tau le sgt sedap manenye...but the coffee is quite cheap, we got ourselves 100,000 VND for 1 packet containing 50 sachets (12 gm)...the shop is just couple of blocks next to the kedai Cafe28...we grab 2 packets of the coffee and tried it at hotel....since hubby penggemar kopi...die kate sedap..n kalau nk 'kaw' buat 2 pkt utk 1 mug...tambah susu segar and ais lagi sedap...just as precaution, x sume kopi die halal this G7 coffee is 'halal'...katenye no 1 coffee...
Almost to Maghrib we're back at hotel...anak2 ku sudah menuntut janji utk beli toys...ok2...lps maghrib we plan to continue shopping lg for toys plak...After mandi and solat Maghrib kt hotel, we walk again...hehe..kali ni towards Luong Van Can Street which sells toys...kali ni the kids berjln tanpa merungut sbb tau nk gi beli toys dieorg...we stopped at few shops to survey the price...ok not bad for remote control cars with steering wheel...we got a BMW for 790,000 VND approximately RM126.00 and a lamborghini for 490,000 VND approx. 
RM 78.00...kt M'sia kete2 mcm ni kalau beli kt toys r us RM100 - RM200 depending on cheaper than Malaysia...yg bongsu mcm biasa nk kereta bomba...huhu...ntah la..peminat fire trucks ni...hmm..citer pasal kete remote dgn steering wheel ni, nk start kete mcm start kete btol esp yg BWM tu...siap ade kunci n kalau nk start kene letak kt gear neutral...ade speed, reverse gear, honk, signal light...bkn mcm remote yg biase tu...menarik jugak...boys kn..nk buat mcm mane...
Talking about walking along the streets in Hanoi, we have to be extra seems that the traffic is very bad...esp the motorcyclist...main jln je mcm bapak dieorg punye jln...although they have traffic lights but they never adhere to...motorcycle is the main transport there...everywhere u can see them...kalau nk cross the street, please be careful...susah btol nk lintas...x putus motor lalu lalang...lg 1, dieorg suke honk...sepanjang jln dieorg suke bunyi honk as it is habit to them...x de yg marah pun...dh normal kt sini kot...finally, our 1st night ends...

2nd day Journey

Our 2nd day plan is the trip to Halong Bay. It becomes a must trip when you visit Hanoi. We booked a day trip to Halong Bay with the Hotel. It cost us USD40 per pax for group of 22 pax tour. Kids age 4 to 12 yrs old, were given half price at USD20, whereas kids at the age of 3 yrs and below are free. Before we got into the transit bus, we had our breakfast at the hotel as it is included in the hotel rate. However, we just took some bread and drinks juices/tea/coffee since the hotel does not conform to Halal Certification. Any kind of meats were out of our list. The bus arrived at 8.00 a.m. We were given 1 litre mineral water for free by the Hotel. We also brought with us some biscuits and some munchys...takut lapar during the journey. Before we start the journey to the harbour, the transit bus goes around Hanoi to pick up other tourist. In our bus, there are tourist from US, Japan, Italy, Holland and us, Malaysia. Trip to the harbour is approx 4 hours although the journey distance is only 170km. Unlike Malaysia, the streets are pretty bad. Byk potholes and the road byk bumps...streets are narrow...x leh drive laju..the most u can drive maybe 60 km/hr...nk overtake pun susah...

Half of the way, we stopped at a craft centre for about 25 mins...mostly rushed to the toilet...mcm biase when we have a tour to oversea we will always bring a mineral bottle...takut kt toilet x de air so kene tadah air from sink kt luar the craft center we can see the handicapped ppl were doing some craftswork...beautiful...but things sold there were quite expensive..biase le tpt tourist kn...we did not make any purchase...

Our journey continue to the 12.30 p.m we arrived..huh ke toilet again and this time we have to pay 2,000 VND to use the toilet approx. RM0.30...the tour guide got the ticket for us which has been included in our trip cost...ok, time for us to travel in a boat plak...very small junk/boat...once entered there were tables and chairs for us to have lunch. We requested seafood to the tour guide during our journey as they have to let the cook know earlier before we arrived. This has been included in the trip cost except for the drinks where we have to buy separately inside the boat....The boat can accommodate approx. 40 pax per trip...once everyone arrived in the boat, it starts to sail...and then meal is ready...we were served prawn, veges, steam fish, tofu, lala and omelette..after having our meals and before we stopped at our destination at the fishing village, we took some pictures at the boat deck area...nice view...Halong Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site...there are approx. 2000 islands/islets around the area with seascape of limestone pillar...

1st stop at the fishing village, kt sini we have the chance to go for kayak or go on a small boat/sampan which were cruise by the local people...kayak has been included in the trip cost but not the small boat...the cost is USD 6 per pax...they will take us around the area for about 15-20 mins...we need to pay to the locals once we're in the small boat...some of us go for kayak and some goes on the boat...we also have our prayer inside the junk boat...we stopped at the fishing village for almost an hour...

Next stop, we were brought to a limestone cave on one of the island...nk masuk cave tu, kiteorg kene panjat tangga..huh penat...tinggi jugak dh le dgn berdukung plak yg si kecik was a nice view inside the cave...time masuk cave ni the tour guide ask us to be prepare to imagine...we wonder the cave there were the stalagtites and stalagmites...these were forms into a lot of he starts showing us these things and ask us to imagine these were in the forms of a dragon le, a turtle la, elephant trunk, etc...yg 'porn' pun ade...hahahaha...adoi la...kuatnye imagination dieorg ni...we stopped there for almost an the exit of the cave there were gift shops...finally, returning to the total the journey took approx 3 1/2 hrs around the limestone islands....ade gak trip for 2 days 1 night which the accommodation will be inside one of the bkn bot yg kiterog naik le...a bigger one with rooms...for this kind of trip they will probably bring you to other islands and also u have the time to go for swimming...since our trip is a short one thus, we decided to get the 1 day trip je...but it was worth it...once reached the harbour, we straight get back to the bus and return to hotel...on our way back, we stopped at another craft centre and as usual they sell the same things and we take our time for nature calls...hehehe...arrived hotel at 8.30 p.m....x penat2 kn...lps mandi semua...keluar berjln plak...kali ni tinggal the kids at the hotel with my n hubby jln berdue je...went to the night market along Hang Dao-Hang Ngang-Dong Xuan-Hang Giay street. It starts at 7 pm until late night. Were told it closes at 2 a.m....saje jln2 cuci mate...we don't get anything from the market...but it is quite long night market...brg2 murah jugak le...just like our Pasar Malam, got gadgets, clothes, shoes etc...don't be surprise...there are lots of food are sold and cook kt tepi jln je...customer pun mkn kt tepi jln tu je...ade kerusi kecik for them to sit...seriously, I don't like the view....x lalu nk mkn kalau tgk, hygiene fail...dh balik we have dinner kt hotel je...we brought the instant dishes from M'sia e.g sardine, ayam masak merah, daging kurma etc yg pack dlm boxes and only need to boil in hot water...we bought only the white rice from Tandoor Restaurant...ok jugak....after dinner our night ends...dok je dlm bilik..the kids were having fun with their toys...

3rd Day Journey

Hehe...3rd day ni la br nk baya bilik hotel..went down to have breakfast and discuss with the MOD on our trip on that day....bleh plak last minute plan...he suggested for Tam Coc tour, but knowing that the journey will be about 2 hrs, although it is a nice place with rivers and natural view, we change we decided to go around Hanoi City je...we plan for Van Phuc Silk Village and Bat Trang Ceramic Village...for this 2 journey in total of 100 km it cost us about USD95 to rent a van with a tourist guide...without paying we agree with the trip....we left the hotel at 10 a.m...1st trip to Van Phuc Silk is not a Village rather than a small town or area with shops selling silk products...we spend almost 1 hour there and get some silk for few of us...price not so bad..hubby bought a silk shirt for less than RM40 after's 100% silk...time nk beli kene tgk jugak whether it is 100% silk or mixed material..we bought at a shop which have the woven machine which is currently in progress of making the silk fabric... 

Next we continue to Bat Trang Ceramic Village...same as Van Phuc, it is where all the ceramic products are kalau nk beli brg ceramic, kt sini quite cheap..the area is quiet...rase2 mcm kiteorg je tourist kt situ..initially never plan to purchase anything but at the end my father decided to buy wedding door gift for my sis...he managed to bargain a small ceramic vase yg bleh isi stationery ke or anything for 8000 VND approx RM1.30 per pc...mmg murah cos kt M'sia that can goes for about RM 4.00 per pc...I saw something like that dlm kedai RM5 kt M'sia...yg lawaknye he ordered 1500 pcs and bleh plak tak terpk mcm mane nk bwk naik flight...the owner is a nice person...she sent all the items to our hotel and packed nicely not in boxes ya but packed with paddy straws and put inside a big bamboo basket...huh!!mcm mane nk bwk ni...dh le weight almost 200 kg...confirm extra weight ni...finally, we decided to ship it via seafreight and the charges are reasonable as we have to pay an additional of USD 160.00 for clearance & transport...vase in total jatuh dlm RM1.60 per pc..still ok...they will repack the items into box carton and send door to door basis...selamat....myself, hehe i bought a nice ceramic water container...yg kecik 150,000 VND and besa skit 200,000 VND...approx RM 48.00 for the 2 unique container...hubby beli mug with cover dlm RM 8.00 per pc...on our journey today, there are a few places that we saw like Royal is a mall and i guess all the branded items were sold there...kiteorg x pg pun sbb not planning to buy anything expensive..
Back to hotel arriving at 3.00 p.m..a short mom plan nk beli telekung la plak...huhu..this is Hanoi mane ade jual telekung n ready made baju kurung...this is not  Ho Chi Minh...nasib baik la on the way td we saw a shop with a sign 'Telekung Ada Jual Di Sini' dekat Hang Bong lps solat kt hotel we walk through some of the streets...we pass by Hang Gai Street which sells silk products, the other parts of Hang Be Street is selling shoes...not much of choice for the telekung...hahaha..kali ni me n hubby n si kecik naik motor round the area...we borrow it from the hotel staff...nice...we just paid her the petrol price je...mahal oo petrol 24,000 VND per liter equivalent to RM 3.80 per liter...this is our final round of shopping, we made ourself through most of the streets...plan nk pegi Thang Long Water Puppet but since the show is in Vietnam Language so x jd la pg...we round the Hoan Kiem Lake...nice place utk lepak...ade Ngoc Son Temple and Turtle Tower kt situ but we didn't make a stop...just go around the lake with motorbike...hehe...kalau kedai tu dh nk tutup jgn le nk masuk ye...sbb anda akan disuruh keluar...i terkene u...i bought myself the traditional vietnam clothes terpakse alter skit...x tau le plak kt situ bleh taylor made within 24 hrs...if tau awal2 lg pg situ suh hubby with his helmets n cigarrettes, katenye murah dlm RM 32.00 per carton, gown for anak buah...heheh...i don't have daughter so x tau le murah ke mahal gown cost me 100,000 VND...mcm murah je...n byk la souvenier2...our final night in Hanoi...balik hotel packing....takut terlebih muatan plak...

Final Day

Ok..bye2 Hanoi...we make a move from hotel at 6.30 a.m...flight 9.20 a.m...inside Noi Bai Airport x de ape sgt..only a few shops...not like KLIA...whatever, we have reached Hanoi...and thinking for the next family trip...mane plak nk pg nx yr...ok till we meet again...

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